Monday, January 17, 2011

The Benefits of Marketing Online

Benefit #1 – You can make a changes on the fly.

This marketing online benefit, instead of placing traditional advertisements in magazines, newspapers or on television is that you can change them on the fly.

Benefit #2 - You can track a real-time results.

Marketing online allows you to track real-time results using online analytics to make a determination on how your marketing campaign is performing. There are ways to track traditional marketing efforts, but most the time it cannot be done in real-time.

Benefit #3 - You can target a specific demographics on your advertisement.

Marketing online allows you to target specific demographics such as gender, age and location. You can even target specific income levels, education levels and occupation. You can do this in traditional marketing, but it's not as easy and is often a guessing game.

Benefit #4 - Methods in marketing online including an email, audio, video, blog, social media and newsletters.

There are so many options when marketing online. You can use audio, video, blogging, email, social media and ongoing newsletters.

Benefit #5 – An Instant Conversion Ability

When you market online you have the ability to convert a customer instantaneously. You cannot only capture a potential customer's information, but you can capture a sale instantaneously by a few clicks of a mouse, when it comes to offline marketing it takes more time to convert a customer into a sale not to mention the person power it often requires.